
Wednesday 14 November 2012

Getting to Play Full Out with Young People

This year took me on a journey to Youth Leadership.

I am not entirely new to it, when I was a teenager I became member of a German scouting organisation (Bund der Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder), loved every moment of it and started co-leading my first group at the age of 13. I volunteered for a youth lead in my sports club, in school, activities and during my traineeship with Lufthansa. Can you tell I love putting my hand up for this?!

What do I love about Youth Leadership? 
First of all, enabling youth to lead youth and the learning they get from it is so rich. It is an eye-to-eye relationship they establish, there is no hierarchy of age or position making it clear who leads, young people gain experience in what it means to unpack their leadership toolbox and get to add to it. I get to witness and encourage that. Yay!
Secondly, I frequently get the chance to give a young person the confidence and permission to be themselves, not what their parents, teachers or their peers expect. No, permission to be who they want to be and making them aware of who they are at their best.
Not to forget, raising aspirations; did you know Barack Obama, now US president in his second term, could have just as well ended as a drug dealing gang member. But he chose a different path. Every young person has their own choice too and I get to help making them aware of that.
Young people portrait such a range from " I don't know what to do in the future" to "I know exactly what to do. I will become XYZ." and I get to ask what their next little step is towards knowing more and walking their path and I see them take it and learn from it.
Work with Young People gives full permission to be creative, to challenge, to engage in every moment not only their minds but their bodies by getting them moving. And I get to be with them outdoors, cause what is better then fresh air and unexplored paths to open young peoples' minds.

I am entirely grateful for Future Foundations to have entered my (professional) life. Contracted with them I have been working with Young People in the following programmes:
  • Team Coach for Future Foundations: Being part of the delivery team for Leadership Days, Sixth Form Inductions, Higher Education Experiences and Raising Aspiration Days in Schools around the UK
  •  The National Citizen Service Stand out this Summer Programme: Team Coach supporting the Young people in the challenging three-week programme (including two week residential): Team bonding in the challenging outdoors, followed ba a week of raising aspirations and getting to know their community better, followed by forming a project team to impact their community in a Social Action Project.
  • The National Citizen Service Stand out this Autumn Programme: Team Coach supporting the Young people in a one week PGL outdoor adventure, plus engaging them in Social action and a nationwide team test on 6 consecutive weekends after.

And this is the sweet sugar I get from the young people and my colleagues:

"Laura, you are always so completely positive and encouraging it's constant!! Thank you." 

"Laura, you are so inspiring with your confidence in leading the whole of team B (approx. 60 people) in activities. Cracking great jokes and having great energy and spirit! Thanks for always keeping me smiling :)"

"Laura, you are a complete professional - your experience and ease with the learners shines through. Thank you and well done."

"Laura I've been so happy to be on your team this week. You are calm, confident and hugely supportive. I've had loads of fun with you!" 

How could I not love this work?! If you want me to engage with a group of young people or with a young person in a one-to-one coaching relationship. Get in touch!