
Monday 22 April 2013

Quiet before the Storm - Taste London Fun and Depth this Wednesday

It took a while until it became apparent to me that things were moving with
Fun and Depth - a group to feel at ease in London, the group I started for young professionals who are fed up with feeling challenged and lonely in London.

About two weeks ago I had send out requests for help to many of my friends and contacts, and started experimenting with ways of creating visibility: I signed up to and posted on gumtree etc.

And ... nothing ... for a little bit I thought, "Hmmmm, looks like I have to start over."

It turns out that meet up takes a week to check your group profile. It was the quiet before the storm.

When the meetup group went live, things quickly changed !
Every few minutes a new person joined the group or somebody RSVPd !!
By now there are 50 peeps in the group (see image below) !!!
I can tell you, I was over the moon and slightly spaced out by the effect, I had caused !!!!

And I am so grateful, that I have hit a nerve with Fun and Depth! (five would just be too much)

Now, with so many people interested, but only 12 seats available in the pilot, I am faced with making sure that the right people know, they want this and it is easy for them to sign up. 
Quality and commitment for the first 5 events not quantity are important to make this a group where we all feel safe enough to be ourselves (we'll open the doors for drop ins in July with the picnic series).

So, thanks to my own coach, who had this brilliant idea, everyone who is interested has a chance to get a taste before they buy this Wednesday:

What: A pre-meet taster evening - to get a first impression of each other and me, to get an overview of the 5 event pilot series and to hear my vision for this group, learn more about why I am doing this and what else I am doing.
You also get to have your say and can inspire and shape what we'll do as a group.
It will be playful and free form and I'll have a lovely helper hold a registration table for those of you who are ready to sign up (80 pounds for the pilot series, money back guarantee, if you don't like it)

When: This Wednesday, 24th April 2013 from 19:30 - 20:30
Where: yet to be announced
How can you be part of it: RSVP with the Meetup link below or send me an e-mail.
RSVP on Meetup

Or if you are ready to commit and do want to make sure you are not missing out on the Fun and Depth Pilot Series
Eventbrite - Fun and Depth - a group to feel at ease in London

Last but not least I am now proudly showing off my 50 Manamanas below! Thank you!

Wednesday 17 April 2013

An antidote for London Life

I love how Antidote London, calls itself "The Antidote for Urban Life" - They offer singing, dance and play to their members and attendants and are just brilliant if you ask me. Go check them out: 


Fun and Depth - a group to feel at ease in London exists for the same reasons, we need more variety and something different in our lives to feel well, connect with other people and let go of work.


Come along if you want to:

- Beat loneliness and feeling lost in London.

- Meet like minded people and make friends. Connect at a more authentic level.

- Discover more about yourself, what you want and where you are headed in life.

- And not to forget: have lots of Fun!

"Fun and depth - a group to feel at ease in London" is for young professionals and expatriates (23-35 or young at heart) who have come to London from all over the UK, Europe and the world and are hit by a big slap in the face.

You could call it culture shock, but I guess in the end it is mainly overwhelm with this city's pace, anonymity, competitiveness and diverse sensory influx (smells, unseen visuals, noise, living conditions etc.).

This community is an antidote to those challenges, an invitation to a journey of knowing and appreciating yourself more and a way to find community and friends who are real and authentic rather than shallow chit chat friends.

We start this group with a series of 5 after work events on Wednesday evenings. The first being on May 1st and the last on 19th June.

Come join. Inquire in an e-mail and find out more by doing the following:

This event is featured in detail on search for: Fun-and-Depth-a-group-to-feel-at-ease-in-London

Or here:

Thursday 11 April 2013

Fun and Depth - a group to feel at ease in London

I am making one of my dreams come true this week.

It was probably three months ago, when I woke up on a Sunday morning and I had my head full of the entire outline of a programme I could run, as if I had just dreamed it up.

I put it on paper and committed to making it happen.

Now it is online it has a home on and people can actually sign up for it. How thrilling!

The programme is serving young professionals and expatriates who find living in London a bit of a struggle and let's face it, who doesn't.

It brings together a like minded group of people with the aim to feel alive and at ease in London, make friends and have fun and action as well as depth and reflection along the way.

As a real antidote to London's anonymity and competitiveness, we get to move, be outdoors and be silly, when we want to.

You can find the event outlined in the events section of this page or by following this link: Fun and Depth - a group to feel at ease in London

And if you like what you see there, go ahead and book your seat in this exciting new group journey. All brave adventurers welcome!

Make Yourself Home is online

Oh it's a week of celebrations and when you've read some of my previous post, you know I LOOOOVE celebrating :)

The sister website to is now online!

My second giving birth to a website and I am starting to become an html wizard. Well, maybe I am exaggerating, but I enjoyed coding some of the simple changes of my theme like a child in a sandbox.
And I am entirely grateful to my cousin who helped me out whenever my alarm bells of incompetence rang.

Now you can go and view it here by clicking on the link under the image:

Check out the beauty and then give me some feedback!

It certainly marks a moment in my business when I am going out there with new products and services for young professionals in London and the world. I am proud of myself. Hope you like it too.

Monday 8 April 2013

Nia White Belt Graduation and new sister website coming soon

Nia will be part of my daily routine now, as I want to intensify the learning, I got, and the deep connection to sensation, I gained. I am also planning to make it part of my business and service offers. In two months time I intend to launch a Nia class in London Victoria.

Apart from Nia coming into my life and I promise you will hear more about it, there is a sister site to this web page in progress
Make Yourself Home will be less about me and more about young professional who want to feel alive in their body, relationships, their city and work.
Hop over and send me some comments. Much appreciated!

Today I am celebrating, because I completed the Nia White Belt Intensive Training This Saturday.

It was a fabulous experience.
I feel energised, happy, healthy and strong. Nia has given me a new lens to look at myself and my relationship to my body. I walk different now and my body clearly tells me off, when I've sat at my computer for too long.

This picture is a little taster. Also have a look at the pictures I published here.

Thursday 21 March 2013

Well-Being Taster Evening in Farringdon, London, 10 April 2013

In case you haven't got plans for Wednesday 10th April, I recommend you come along to ANTIMONY's Be The Best You Can Be Evening Event.

I teamed up with energy practitioner, Anita Shenoi, and Nutrition and Naturopathy expert, Laura Leslie, to offer an evening of discovery.
If you decide to come, you can get a taste of the resident well-being services at the beautiful health shop ANTIMONY.

This evening will help you choose what way of maintaining and supporting your well-being is the one you feel most drawn to at the moment.
Read more below.
Eventbrite - ANTIMONY: Be The Best You Can Be - an Evening of Discovery

Antimony Open Evening Flyer
ANTIMONY Evening Event Flyer p2

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Nia coming to town

Gosh! I am so excited to be learning the Art of Nia in the London white belt course coming up.

This life coach is upgrading her tool kit !

I have found 4 potential gyms in London Victoria, where I intend to bring it to. And with a bit of luck and the gyms liking what I have to offer, I will soon get bodies, minds and spirits moving :D 

Watch a great portrayal of Nia:

Get Empowered with NIA

Monday 18 March 2013

Fun Day Monday - Video 3 in my diary

Reality kicks in on this Monday morning, which is often crucial. The first look at my to do list and I feel a bit of overwhelm. Where to start? What to do first? Will I have some more time tonight? Well, I decided to sit down and get going and I am glad I did otherwise, I could have easily got swamped by procrastination.

What is your Monday mood strategy? What do you do when procrastination looms and yet so much wants to get done?

Let me know your best strategies in the comments.

Oh and I guess the best strategies I know and use, you can find over at Erin my friend and colleague has created a free e-book with 4 Quick Tips for getting unstuck.

See you tomorrow!






Sunday 17 March 2013

Singing Dancing Jumping - Laura signs up to her Nia Teacher Training

Signing, dancing, jumping, just signed up to my Nia teacher training! Feels like the glue to Coaching and Embodiment work.

I think this course is key to enhancing my presence, living in my body and learning loads about facilitating groups in movement. What is Nia? You might ask. Follow my diary to learn more and click here to find out from the source:

Saturday 16 March 2013

Exciting Times - Laura tells us why

I am starting a little video diary today as life and work is shooting like spring. Get watching:

I am talking about Make Yourself Home coming up with a series of after work events for young professionals and my plans to become a Nia Teacher. Exciting!

Friday 25 January 2013

Clarity - feels like a breeze

I have found some clarity around communicating what my business and who I am is about and that feels gooooooD! Apparently that needs a capital D ;)

Today, I am writing here to share the words with you and I am aware that reading the written word is not the same as hearing me speak them, thus stay tuned for a little video. Words for now:

I am helping young professionals who are missing a sense of belonging in their profession or current living environment connect to their body and heart as their powerful home base at all times.

I work with coaching and embodiment tools to create awareness, have you fall in love with yourself, reach your goals and be able to tap into your resources.

I run workshops and community events for youth and international young professionals. In these face to face sessions I raise aspirations, emotional and body IQ by training and modeling leadership qualities in a fun, playful and deep way. A bit like dolphins we dive deep, dance all emotions and don't forget to play with a light and joyful heart.

As a certified co-active coach I explore the question of how embodiment work can serve the coach and the client and pass on this knowledge in practical workshops for coaches new to their body. Learn more here:

So much for now, this feels important to share with you. Please leave me a comment how it resonates with you and if anything leaves you asking 'What the heck is she talking about?!'. Your thoughts will be much appreciated.

Lots of love,