Wednesday 2 May 2012

AuthentiCity Coach Laura - launches new website for Young Achievers who want more

<p><a href="">Image: fotographic1980 /</a></p>
Celebrate good times, common! ...
Thank You for attending my website launch party.

Actions for you to take:

  • Have a look around. And join into my happy dance. Having my website out is a great achievement for me. And I want it to reach and serve as many of YOU as possible.
  • If you like what you see. Sign up to the monthly newsletter, to receive great free stuff, exciting news and loving personal leadership lessons to your inbox. Just pop your e-mail and name into the mask on the top right.
  • Visit the blog regularly. Every other week you will find interesting reads and little action requests to spice up your day. Join in with your comments and questions.
  • Spread the word. There are little facebook, twitter and e-mail buttons a little further down to the right hand side to make that super easy for you.
  • And last but not least send any Young Achiever my way! I want to meet 96 YOUs (see my post below) and am signing up new clients right now. Anyone ready should go ahead and book a free consultation. If you are interested, get as much info as you want and need from this site and send me your questions, so we can talk.
Thank you for your support and interest. I am thrilled to have you here and am sending a virtual toast:

'To a great launch, many happy website visitors and even more Young Achievers going for what they want!'